Biblical Counseling Resources

My Church Notebook


My Church Notebook


When families worship together, children receive an amazing intergenerational experience and thus have the opportunity to be influenced by the example of their parents and the congregation.

Children are more likely to cherish and delight in the worship of God if they witness that heart for worship in the church. When they see their parents and other adults bow their heads in earnest prayer, or lift their hands in praise, the genuine worship they observe can stir their hearts to worship. Children can observe parents listening intently to the sermon, taking notes and processing the truth they are hearing. They observe this hunger for the Word of God which can stir the same longing in their own hearts.

Learning to sit still in the church service can be a little hard for children to do, but as they begin to listen carefully, they will understand more. Little by little, children will learn about God’s greatness, His love, His holiness, His judgment and His faithfulness. They will begin to know how He works in the world. Children will hear of His mighty acts and His loving heart for His people. They will begin to understand what Jesus did on the cross and why He did it. Children will learn how much they need to depend on Jesus and how His death on the Cross made a way for sinners to be saved.

My Church Notebook is a tool for children that will help train them to listen to the service and process what they hear so they can come into the presence of God, with other people of God, and concentrate on God!

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